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Essential Commercial Roofing Services That You Need To Remember

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Essential Commercial Roofing Services That You Need To Remember

Posted by Best Roof Hatches on 2021 Dec 22nd

You rely on commercial roofing systems to keep your property sheltered from harmful elements that might cause internal damage to durability and dependability. While most commercial roofs are incredibly durable, it doesn't mean that a roofer's job ends in installation - similar to any other building components, roofs also need proper care and maintenance to perform at their best.

Commercial roof maintenance is a critical task to ensure your building's structural integrity. It serves as a shield to safeguard your property's safety from the destructive force of nature, fallen branches and twigs, and the scorching heat of the sun. Regular inspections through a convenient roofing access help stabilize and strengthen your roofing system by identifying existing and possible damages that can worsen over time. Having a basic understanding of the most common roof problems can be highly beneficial as well.

But perhaps the most important reason for establishing a regular roof inspection program is to protect your investment. A correctly implemented maintenance program will add years to the life of your commercial roof by identifying minor issues before they evolve into something bigger, as well as providing optimal protection for the internal functions of your building.

Commercial Roofing Services

Aside from regular maintenance and proper installation, other aspects are there for the overall care of commercial roofs that are equally crucial in maintaining their stability and features. Your roofing system needs to be adequately developed depending on several factors such as location and personal preference to ensure its maximum efficiency. It also helps to find a reputable roofing company that can cater to all your roofing needs and provides personalized solutions for any of these commercial roofing services:

1. Planning and Design

Due to their expertise and experience, a professional roofer will know what to include in your commercial roof's plan and design. They can understand and interpret your personal preferences and align them with the standard OSHA roof requirements and other applicable roofing regulations. In addition, if your builder already has plans for your commercial roof, the roofer can review the design and contribute their ideas for improvement and start working on roof regulations.

2. Installation

Commercial roofing is far more extensive than residential roofs in terms of methods, materials, and options available. While the functionality remains the same, commercial roofs require more attention and labor during installation. It is ideal to hire a roofer who can expertly suggest a roofing system that best suits your building and budget.

Since there are several types of commercial roofing available, here are some of the most commonly used materials to help you filter out your options:

  • Thermoplastic
  • EPDM
  • Modified bitumen systems
  • Built-up roofs
  • Metal roofing
  • Green roofs
  • Coated systems

These roofing systems have their unique features, purpose, and maintenance requirements. All are durable but depending on how much you can commit to its upkeep, some may be more suitable for your business.

3. Roof Inspection and Maintenance

Commercial roofs should undergo a thorough inspection twice a year - every spring and fall - and after any significant weather or construction event.

To ensure a roof's efficiency, a roofer must precede every inspection by preparing a detailed checklist on which all damages and defects will be marked or listed down. A professional roofer will most likely start inspecting the underside of the deck while checking for any cracks, stains, rusting, watermarks, wet spots, or other signs of deterioration and moisture buildup. A thorough inspection will give clues not only to existing roofing problems but also other factors affecting the performance of your commercial roof.

In addition, since roofing jobs are considered hazardous, a professional must be able to address the following concerns to ensure safety:

  • What are the roof access requirements?
  • What are the roof fall protection requirements?
  • OSHA roof inspection requirements
  • Are roofers required to wear fall protection?
  • Safety option for low-slope roofing work

Once inspected, your roofer needs to create a preventive maintenance program that details maintenance scheduling and the subsequent corrective action. The general idea of roof maintenance is to maximize the life expectancy of your commercial roof and mitigate unnecessary expenses.

4. Roof Replacement or Renovation

Under certain circumstances, replacing your building roof system may be more beneficial to the business than restoring it to its former glory, especially in some instances where your roof's foundation has signs of water absorption, rust damage, and erosion.

Renovations are crucial to the safety of the building and its inhabitants. While commercial roofs have an incredible lifespan, at some point, a professional roofer will need to reevaluate its features to determine and assess its capability to shield your property effectively

As more business owners ensure the stability and lifespan of their commercial roofs, it is best to have a reliable partner in supplying your roofing projects with excellent products and an understanding of the industry's needs. Best Roof Hatches have high-quality roof hatches for your roofing needs. No matter what you need, you are in good hands with our team. Visit our website or call us at 1-800-431-8651 to learn more.