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Why Your Building Needs Energy Efficient Roof Hatches
Posted by Best Roof Hatches on 2022 Feb 10th
Commercial buildings account for around 40% of national energy consumption only in the United States. Those numbers are an astonishing amount of energy, especially considering that the US as a whole consumes about 101 quadrillion British thermal units of energy annually. Therefore, commercial buildings play a significant role in cutting back energy consumption and making every watt and volt count.
Most US electricity generated in utility-scale facilities is from coal or natural gas, and another part comes from nuclear power plants. All of that electricity generation produces around a third of US energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, the single most significant contributor to GHG emissions in the country. As you improve your building's energy efficiency, you need less electricity and thus rely less on carbon-intensive power plants. This technique reduces your establishment's demand from the plant, which benefits the environment by reducing their carbon dioxide emissions.
Architects need to maintain the building's energy efficiency and construction integrity when adding roof openings with roof construction. This article will show you the best choices for eco-friendly roofing solutions and how an energy-efficient roof hatch can make a difference.
Advantages of Energy Efficient Roof Hatches
Reduced Energy Bills
You may be surprised at just how an energy-efficient roof hatch can contribute to the totality of your commercial building. Energy-efficient roof hatches feature a thermally broken frame and cover design to minimize heat transfer and condensation effects and provide energy efficiency. It is designed with low conductivity integrated between interior and exterior surfaces of the cover and frame to reduce temperature transfer.
These same thermally broken parts dampen vibration for improved acoustic performance against outside noise as an added benefit. Energy-efficient roof hatches also feature three square feet of polyisocyanurate insulation, with an R-value of 18 in its cover and curb for higher energy performance and a unique cover gasket to minimize air leakage. With this product, you can expect your energy bills to decrease.
Not only does this roof hatch promote energy efficiency, but it is also manufactured with quality materials that promote longevity and durability. You won't have to fret about replacing this roof hatch sooner or later. This product can save much money because of its durability and energy efficiency.
Provides Easy Access
Sometimes, roofing contractors will need to access your roof due to roofing issues that need to be resolved as quickly as possible. In some cases, they can use a ladder to get to the top, but that would be impossible if the roof is more than three floors. That would be the time when they would use a roof hatch to access the top as quickly as possible. Utilizing a roof hatch is the best option when roofing contractors or other personnel need roof access. It is also the safest way to prevent fall accidents.
Going for a more energy-efficient option can go a long way for your establishment. You can save money on energy-cost and at the same time prevent any more damage to your roof with the help of energy-efficient access doors. These options are available at Best Roof Hatches. We are sure to provide you with the best quality of roof hatches you need for your commercial building. Contact us today at (800) 431-8651 for more details about our products.